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  • 16:52 UTC (new) (history) 2024-03-18 Follow mode . . . . mbork It is a fairly common opinion that a function should not be larger than your screen. The reality, though, is often different. And even if your functions are shorter, you may want to see more than one at a time. The problem is that our screen are usually not that high. (My laptop gives me 66 lines of text with normal font settings.) You can have an external monitor rotated vertically (I have that at work to see as much of the logs of the application I’m working on as possible), but Emacs gives us another solution – the Follow mode.


  • 05:09 UTC (new) (history) 2024-03-02 Some tips about Emacs keyboard macros . . . . mbork Some time ago I had to create some rather repetitive code. These days I often use multiple cursors for such things, but for some reasons this time I decided to go the traditional route and use the built-in keyboard macros. Here’s the catch, though. When you want to use keyboard macros and insert an (incremented) number for every occurrence, you can type f3 (kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter) while recording the macro. What I needed, though, was to insert that number twice for every execution of the macro.

